Het Collectief wants to play a prominent role in the field of creation. In doing so, it is important to be able to make artistic choices in full autonomy. We want to absorb the risks associated with progressive programming by looking for patrons with a taste for the avant-garde. With your financial support, we can realise a first 'creation project' featuring composers Jean-Luc Fafchamps and David Fennessy, video performer Klaas Verpoest. This project will tour from April 2025 on.
'Why Patterns?' (1978), Morton FELDMAN (1926-1987)
'For Morton Feldman' (2025), Jean-Luc FAFCHAMPS (°1960)
New work (2025), David FENNESSY (°1976)
In 1978 Morton Feldman composed 'Why Patterns?', a first of three pieces for flute, piano and glockenspiel. In this rare instrumental combination, each instrument has a very defined sound identity and physical playing style. Feldman responds to this by assigning characteristic motifs to each of the musicians. Paradoxically enough, we hear these totally emancipated patterns merge into a harmonious sounding, psychedelic sound universe. The way in which Feldman deals with time also contributes to this alienating atmosphere. Even though the individual voices are rhythmically very accurately notated, they are uncoordinated, except in the final phase of the work. In this free temporal space, the voices only meet by chance.
Het Collectief asked two composers, who both have a strong affinity with Feldman's oeuvre, to write new works for the same unique line-up.
David Fennessy (IRL - °1976) about his music: “I’m not sure if there is a consistent line of inquiry running through my work. Each piece is its own little universe with its own technique, language, rules, problems and solutions.” One of his more recent works: 'Panopticon' (2019) for cymbalom and strings, struck a chord with Het Collectief because of its great sound sensitivity and a free and very original approach to the physical characteristics of the instruments.
Since 2000, the cycle 'Lettres soufis' has stood out in the oeuvre of the Belgian composer Jean-Luc Fafchamps (B - °1960). He uses Sufi philosophy as a starting point for 28 different compositions, as many as there are letters in the Arabic alphabet. The new composition for Het Collectief may also become part of this cycle in the making. Fafchamps about 'Lettres Soufis': “My preference for paradoxical constructions and a multidirectional sense of synthesis are freely expressed there”. Fafchamps indeed succeeds time and time again in bringing together the irreconcilable and from an original idea to build a surprisingly attractive world that far transcends the well-trodden paths of contemporary music.
For the visuals we approached Klaas Verpoest (B - °1975), who was already responsible for beautiful projections at our previous Feldman concerts.
Toon Fret, flute
Thomas Dieltjens, piano
Tom De Cock, glockenspiel
Klaas Verpoest, video
01.04.2025 De Link Tilburg (NL) FELDMAN Why Patterns + new work Fafchamps + impro at and in the piano
20.05.2025 TivoliVredenburg Utrecht (NL) FELDMAN Crippled Symmetry (with video Klaas Verpoest)
07.03.2026 Kortrijk Festival (B)
16-19.04.2026 New Music Festival Dublin (IRL)
27.05.2026 TivoliVredenburg Utrecht (NL)
date to be confirmed Conservatoire Royal de Musique Mons (B)
Supporter: € 40 and more
Friend: € 500 and more
Patron: € 1000 and more
The King Baudouin Foundation is cooperating with this project. Donations from €40 per year to the Foundation give rise to a tax reduction of 45% on the amount actually paid (Article 145/33 WIB)”, excluding any other formula.
Please make your payment to the project account 'HET COLLECTIEF', managed by the King Baudouin Foundation, on account BE10 0000 0000 0404 with BIC: BPOTBEB1 of the King Baudouin Foundation, stating the structured code: 623/3803/10033.
You can also easily click here.
Het Collectief, composers Jean-Luc Fafchamps and David Fennessy, and video performer Klaas Verpoest are extremely grateful for all the support.